IT specialist (m/f/d)

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What do you do as an IT specialist?

Would a career in software and IT be right up your street? But sitting alone in front of a screen all day is too boring for you? Then a dual apprenticeship in IT is just the thing for you. As an IT specialist, you will develop IT systems on the one hand and conduct training courses with your customers on the other. Exactly which tasks you take on depends on the specialization you choose during your training. You can choose to specialize in application development or system integration.

As an IT specialist in application development, you will be responsible for many programming tasks. Using various programming languages, you will develop software and adapt it to the individual needs of your clients. You will analyze existing programs using special diagnostic systems. Based on the results, you will optimize the programs and make adjustments to meet new requirements. You will also be responsible for project planning within your team to ensure that the development and optimization processes run smoothly.

System integration also revolves around software and computer programs. However, your work focuses primarily on the associated hardware. You plan computer systems, build them and set them up. For example, you will set up servers and network PCs with each other. You will then be available to answer any queries. And if there is a problem, you are there to help. This also includes replacing outdated hardware with new hardware so that your systems are always up to date.

Where are you needed? 

There is a great demand for IT specialists in the economy. Very few companies today can manage without a functioning IT system. A dual apprenticeship in IT therefore opens up excellent career prospects for you. You can work in small and medium-sized companies as well as internationally active companies. You also have endless possibilities in terms of industry: Companies in mechanical and plant engineering, aerospace, car manufacturers, robot producers or even hospitals, at the airport and in large banks are all options for you – you can follow your interests and are open to everything.

What should you bring with you? 

An interest in computers, networks and PC technology is of course a prerequisite in IT. An intermediate school-leaving certificate or university entrance qualification are also welcomed by training companies. However, other skills are also increasingly important. Particularly in IT, you will also have to deal with your team members and customers. This naturally requires communication skills and good verbal expression. After all, you need to be able to present complex issues in a simple and understandable way and to understand and correctly implement the wishes of your customers. But no matter where your strengths lie, whether in technology or communication: with enough commitment and willingness to learn, you will learn everything you need for a successful career in IT during your dual training.

Your apprenticeship at a glance 

  • Duration 3 years
  • Theory at vocational school, practice at the training company
  • If you perform very well and have completed some previous vocational training, it is possible to shorten this to up to two years.
  • Intermediate examination in the second year of training
  • Training content from analyzing network infrastructures and integrating clients to protection requirement analyses, data management, processing service requests and cyber-physical systems

Training period:

3 years

Recommended school-leaving qualification:

High school

Average salary:

1st year: € 1,032 to € 1,154
2nd year: € 1,083 to € 1,187
3rd year: € 1,159 to € 1,261

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