
Technology fascinates – in theory and practice! With a dual apprenticeship in mechanical and plant engineering, you will lay the ideal foundation for your start in professional life. Get to know your possible job profiles here and start a real career.
Why an apprenticeship?
With an apprenticeship in mechanical and plant engineering, you have very good opportunities on the job market. You will receive excellent training and move technology around the world as a specialist. And there’s more: in the companies themselves, you will have great opportunities for further development beyond your apprenticeship: Stay on the ball, add a master craftsman or technician course to your training or go on to study at a university. This will allow you to expand your area of responsibility and get to know the field of mechanical and plant engineering from all angles. What’s more, you can even train people yourself, become a manager or set up your own company.
Technology fascinates – in theory and practice
Your dual vocational training takes place both in the company and at vocational school. For most professions in mechanical and plant engineering, the duration of training is three to three and a half years. In some cases, the training can even be shortened to two years. During this time, you will work three to four days a week at your training company. You will also attend vocational school for eight to twelve lessons a week. This allows you to apply your newly acquired knowledge directly in practice. This form of training is also highly regarded internationally. A degree opens all doors for you. Take your chance and start your career in mechanical and plant engineering.
Your opportunities and prospects
With a dual apprenticeship in your pocket, you have all kinds of opportunities: You can develop yourself in different ways and choose the direction that suits you best. As a specialist with extensive technical expertise, you will be in demand all over the world and can take up a position abroad – for a limited time or for as long as you like. You decide!
Or would you prefer to continue your training outside the company? Then you have the option of acquiring your master craftsman title or taking the technician exam. Here, too, you have many options to choose from: Full-time or part-time, evening or weekend school or even online distance learning.
Or maybe you want to study full-time? That’s also possible! Professionally qualified applicants can also start a degree course without a school-based university entrance qualification under certain conditions.
As you can see, with a completed apprenticeship, there are many ways to live out your enthusiasm for technology and do exactly the job that captivates you.
No pain, no gain
As an apprentice, you will usually receive a salary, the so-called training allowance. The amount depends on the profession you are learning and the sector in which you work. It also depends on whether your training company is bound by collective agreements. On average, training salaries across Germany are around 980 euros.
For your orientation: For apprentices in mechatronics, the average training salary rises from 1050 euros in the first to 1260 euros in the third year of training. You will find out what your apprenticeship salary will be when you apply at the latest.